Informtaion on Amber from Team Rocket | |||||||||||||||||
Amber's History | This is official info. from the Pok�mon Movie - Amber's revenge)Amber was the first born of Ash's mother and was her favorite until Ash came along. For many long years, Ash's mother paid more attention to him than to Amber because he became fasanated in Pok�mon at the age of 7. Amber was jealous, of course and usually had to do all the house work while Ash happily studied about Pok�mon. Two long years later, Ash's mother had told Ash that he would be able to start his Pok�mon journy the very next day. Amber, hearing their conversation, finally got tired of it all and while everyone was asleep that night, packed all her treasured things in a small black backpack and sneaked out her bedroom window. She walked on for days but finally got too tired and sat down near a big rock and fell asleep. It seemed like only a few minutes when she awoke again only to find Team Rocket standing infront of her. Amber looked up at them. James and Jesse were whispering something to each other that Amber couldn't understand but Jesse finally spoke up and said "Hey whats your name?", but before Amber could speak Jesse said "WANNA JOIN TEAM ROCKET?" Amber hesitated then nodded slightly. 'Great" said Jesse. "The more members the better a chance we have of capturing Pikachu!" Amber was then taken to Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, which made her an official Team Rocket member. Amber soon began to miss her family when she turned 13, one long year after she had joined Team Rocket and became the evilist person Jesse, James and Meowth had ever saw, but only because deep down inside, she really loved her family and missed them alot and wanted to take her sadness and anger out on someone. She ended up injuring trainers badly and stealing their Pok�mon and even stealing Giovanni's Rhydon. Jesse was so afraid of Amber that she didn't want to try and tell on Amber or talk to her wrong in fear that she might hurt her. Amber soon took over Meowth's rank and started bossing everyone else around, but stragenly, not James. Although the yelled at him sometimes she hasn't insulted him and seems a little happier around him. The hat you see on Amber's head in the picture is usually pulled down over her face to shadow it from anyone she might know, like Ash, or Brock, or her mother. | ||||||||||||||||
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Amber specializes in Psychic Pok�mon and also has Psychic powers. She owns mostly electric, psychic and fire Pok�mon, but some water and ground. Most stole from other trainers. Stolen: 1)Baby Abra (Ash) 2)Baby Mew (Ash) 3)MewTwo (Ash) 4)Charmeleon (Ash) 5)Baby Cubone (Logan) 6)Koffing (James) 7)Arbok (Jesse) 8)Starmie (Misty) 9)Ninetails (Brock) 10)Kadabra (Sabrina) 11)Alakzam *Not Stolen* 12)Growlithe *Not Stolen* 13)Ponyta *Not Stolen* 14)Raichu (Ash) 15)Electrabuzz *Not Stolen* 16)Zapdos *Not Stolen* 17)Persian (Misty) 18)Flareon *Not Stolen* 19)Jolteon *Not Stolen* 20)Aracanine (Ash) 21)PsyMew *RARE EVOLUTION OF MEWTWO!* 22)Pikachu *Not Stolen* 23)Pikablu *Not Stolen* 24)Vaporeon (Misty) 25)Clefable *Not Stolen* 26)Zubat (Brock) | Amber's Stolen Pok�mon | ||||||||||||||||
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There is a more powerful Pok�mon than the claimed strongest! PsyMew is a rare evolution of MewTwo that can be evolved with a Thunderstone. This Pok�mon is an Electric/Light/Psychic Pok�mon (picture shown) that stands 10' tall and weighs 350 lbs. its attacks are -- Attack _ Level _ Type Thunderbolt --- Electric Blind --- Light Glare - 20 - Normal Thunder - 30 - Electric Screech - 40 - Normal Slash - 50 - Normal Teleport -- Psychic Psybeam - 60 - Psychic Recover - 70 - Normal Ram - 80 - Normal *This is a real Pok�mon and is only seen in the Movie "Amber's Revenge" which will be out in America in a few years* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some of Amber's stolen Items: Ash's pok�dex Ash's hat Ash's backpack Brock's backpack Ash's Max Revive Ash's Ultraball Ash's Masterball Giovanni's hat | |||||||||||||||||
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